Could solar water heating work for you?
Find out whether solar water heating (a sustainable alternative to heating systems that rely on fossil fuels) could suit your household needs.
A quick guide to low carbon heating
We take a closer look at three renewable technologies – heat pumps, solar water heating and biomass – to help you decide…
Celebrating 20 years of Energy Saving Week in Northern Ireland
Energy Saving Week in Northern Ireland began 20 years ago as a way of addressing the emerging global climate emergency.
How much do you know about saving energy at home?
Challenge yourself in this quiz to find out whether you’re an energy super saver.
Smart meters explained: what you need to know
We answer some frequently asked questions about smart meters – from how much they cost to when you might get one.
How to save energy and carbon through energy efficient lighting
Energy efficient lighting helps lower electricity bills and carbon dioxide emissions, all without reducing the quality of light in our homes.
Water saving products to help you cut water use at home
We take a look at seven water saving products to help you save energy and water in the kitchen, bathroom and garden.
Energy labels are changing: here’s what you need to know
The new energy label, which will appear in shops and online from March 2021, will feature a new, simpler range: A to…
A quick guide to boilers
Did you know that heating accounts for over half of your household energy bill? An efficient boiler can make a big difference.
Looking ahead to 2021: energy saving resolutions
As the new year approaches, we've thought of a few energy saving resolutions to take us into 2021.