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Blog Post 18 December 2024 Updated 19 December 2024

Happy renewable year: our energy saving New Year’s resolutions

The end of the calendar year brings a chance for reflection and renewal. And as December turns into January, a lot of you will be making New Year’s resolutions or adopting new habits.

So, before we recharge over the festive break, we asked our colleagues what their energy saving New Year resolutions are.

We’ve grouped their responses into four different areas:

Embracing active travel

Active travel is a healthy, sustainable way of getting around.  It’s also a great way to see more of your local area, as our colleagues point out.

Ian, marketing communications manager, says:

“This year I’m going to get my bike winter-ready and start cycling to the office more instead of relying on public transport.”

While content editor Ryan says:

“My New Year energy saving resolution is to embrace active travel around my town. This is better for the planet than using the car and gives me the chance to explore the Wales coastal path nearby.”

Improving energy efficiency

With the energy price cap going up again in January for Great Britain, making the most of the energy you use can help keep your bills down. Here are a few of the energy efficiency projects our team have planned to reduce home heat loss.

Inma, assistant programme manager says:

“After some serious DIY at home, I am reaching the stage of final touches. This includes checking and caulking around window and door frames, and skirting boards. Cold days really show how much heat is lost through these small gaps! A weekend project that will make the finish look great and keep me cosy at the same time.”

Did you know: draught proofing around windows and doors saves £40 a year in Great Britain (GB) and £45 in Northern Ireland (NI) on your energy bills.

Senior marketing and communications executive Sam is getting smart with his heating:

“This new year, I’m resolving to upgrade my home’s energy efficiency by getting a new central heating programmer and requesting a smart meter from my energy provider. These changes will help me better manage energy use, cut carbon emissions, stay warm and cozy… and bounce back from festive spending by saving on my energy bills!”

Saving energy around the home

But some colleagues are looking at how they can reduce their energy use. From switching off lights to layering up, there are plenty of good habits to adopt in the new year.

“My new year energy saving resolution is to keep reminding my kids to turn off the TV and lights once they’ve left the front room,” says Michael, a marketing and communications manager.

While some thermal clothes are hopefully under senior marketing manager Katie’s Christmas tree:

“Some extra thermals are on my Christmas list to keep me toastier when working from home. I will also be trying to introduce my toddler to showers so we can reduce the number of baths in our house.”

Swapping one bath a week for a shower is great way to save energy and water. Plus, it can save the average home £9 in GB and £9 in NI.

Bringing new energy into the new year

Many of us return to work in the new year refreshed and full of energy. What about if the same applied to our appliances? Newer appliances often have a better energy efficiency rating. Here’s what’s on our team’s shopping list for 2025.

Senior project manager Jackie is looking for a new way to make a cuppa in the new year.

“My new year energy saving resolution is to replace my old leaky kettle with a smaller one that allows me to boil enough water for one cup. This way I’ll use the right amount of energy, reducing my energy consumption and saving on my energy bills.

“Buying an ECO kettle that only boils the amount of water required can use 20% less energy than a conventional electric kettle.”

And it also saves around £10 in GB and £12 in NI a year on energy bills. We’ll raise a cup to that!

Out with the old and in with the new is also senior marketing manager Ruth’s approach to heating the home:

“My new year’s energy saving resolution is to finally sort out my old gas fire, getting it disconnected and replaced with a more energy efficient solution.”

It’s a similar case for PR & media lead Beverley, alongside some friendly family competition:

“I’ve just replaced my D-rated washing machine with a new energy saving A model. It gets a hammering with two kids and I felt it was the one appliance letting us down!

“I’ve also introduced my kids to the smart meter and how they can turn off lights and devices and challenge themselves to decrease the daily total.”

Choosing the right home appliance will help save on bills too. Switching from a D to an A-rated washing machine can save around £10 in GB and £13 in NI. Plus, it saves 9kg of CO2 emissions in GB (9kg in NI).

And finally, content manager Jamie is looking forward to a bright future with solar energy:

“My New Year energy saving resolution is to get three quotes from installers for solar panels on my roof. My house faces south so it’s in the perfect spot for a good amount of sunshine. Every year I put it off is another year where I could have been saving money.”

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What energy saving resolutions will you make this year? If you need ideas, sign up to Energywire, our monthly newsletter, for more energy advice on saving money and improving your carbon footprint.

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Last updated: 19 December 2024