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Case study


Genesis Energy approached us for help to understand their customers’ motivations and to put in place a long-term strategy to maintain customer loyalty.


Genesis Energy, one of New Zealand’s largest energy generation and supply companies, approached us for help to understand their customers’ motivations and to put in place a long-term strategy to maintain customer loyalty. Government policy had led to a number of consumer switching campaigns and Genesis Energy wanted to ensure they were addressing the customer retention challenge.


We identified that Genesis Energy could use energy saving advice to help customers reduce their energy bills and increase trust in the Genesis brand.


We designed a bespoke online tool called My Energy Coach to help customers understand their energy use, reduce energy demand and save money on bills. We also provided a comprehensive staff training programme to help them identify a customer’s motivations and barriers to saving energy, and to provide relevant advice.


The trust established between the company and its customers increased customer retention and developed long-term relationships. Our approach also helped to motivate the staff team who were now equipped to provide advice and help customers to reduce their energy bills.

The target was to have 10,000 customers signed up to My Energy Coach in the first year. With almost 6,000 customers signed up in the first seven weeks, the target was exceeded in just four months. Genesis Energy also won the Readers’ Digest ‘Most trusted energy supplier in New Zealand’ award in 2013.

Last updated: 1 May 2024