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Network Rail
Case study

Network Rail

Supporting employee engagement across Network Rail in Scotland.


Network Rail owns and operates the railway infrastructure across England, Wales and Scotland. In Scotland, the company set itself a target to reduce energy use by 10% and ran workshops with staff to identify how this could be reached. One suggestion was a staff behaviour change campaign focusing on reducing energy use at home that could lead staff to make changes at work.


Our employee engagement programmes focusing on energy efficiency and environmental issues increase staff morale and teach new skills that can be cascaded through an organisation.


We designed a comprehensive programme of employee engagement workshops through Home Energy Scotland, which we deliver for the Scottish Government. The workshops focused on energy efficiency and food and textile waste reduction. A total of 13 of the company’s ‘environmental champions’ attended the workshops.


The workshops helped to boost the employees’ knowledge and enthusiasm and gave them the opportunity to share ideas and identify how to cascade them to colleagues across the company.

“The workshops were broken down into bite-sized interactive topics, all of which we could relate to on a personal level. Attendees ranged from people with little or no experience in environmental matters to environmental specialists, yet we all took something away with us. I would definitely recommend it to anyone looking to engage staff.”

Keira McLuskey, environmental specialist at Network Rail

Last updated: 2 May 2024