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Case study

Tupiniquim’s ecargo bike

Tupiniquim purchased an ecargo bike using the interest-free loan available from Energy Saving Trust.

Making a meaningful change with an ecargo bike

Meet Fernando, the owner of Tupiniquim, an authentic Brazilian food stall in Edinburgh. Fernando was keen to find a more efficient and environmentally friendly way to get supplies to the food stall. Watch the video below to learn about his experience of applying to the loan and making the switch to a more sustainable mode of transport.

Available funding

Interest-free loans of up to £30,000 are available from Energy Saving Trust, funded by Transport Scotland (an agency of the Scottish Government).

The eBike Business Loan aims to support organisations that want to reduce the carbon impact of their transport and travel arrangements with lower carbon alternatives including ebike and ecargo bikes. Eligible organisations can apply for the loan to help with the cost of purchase.

Last updated: 30 May 2022