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Press Release 5 August 2024 Updated 8 August 2024

Charities in Northern Ireland secure grants to inspire youth climate action initiatives

Location notice

Please note that this page contains information and links most relevant for people living in Northern Ireland.

Three charities have received funding to implement The Environment and Sustainability Curriculum, aimed at motivating young people to actively participate in addressing the climate emergency.

The grants have been awarded by the Energy Saving Trust Foundation’s Youth Climate Action Fund, which is part funded by Airbnb. The following charities will receive two-year grants of up to £40,000 to deliver climate-focused projects with support from Ulster Wildlife:

  • Diverse Youth NI
  • Politics in Action
  • Swift Hearers Youth

Ulster Wildlife created the Environment and Sustainability Curriculum in 2021/22 to enhance young people’s involvement with environmental and sustainability issues. The curriculum provides a seven-stage framework for young people to address an environmental issue of their choice. 

Jim Metcalfe, chair of the Energy Saving Trust Foundation, said:

“We were delighted to work with Ulster Wildlife to provide funding for more organisations to deliver the Environment and Sustainability Curriculum across Northern Ireland. The framework is a valuable resource for youth workers, helping them support and inspire young people to take action on the climate issues that matter most to them.”

 Amanda Cupples, General Manager for Northern Europe at Airbnb, said:

“At Airbnb we’re inspired by the dedication of young people to tackling the climate crisis and we take pride in sharing and supporting this commitment through our partnership with Energy Saving Trust.

“We’re delighted to play a part in backing the highly deserving organisations that have been chosen as grant recipients and helping extend their impactful work in education to foster a more sustainable future.”

A quote from our Foundation chair, Jim Metcalfe, about the recent grant announcement.

About the charities

About the Youth Climate Action Fund

This is the last round of national funding awarded by our Foundation’s Youth Climate Action Fund, part funded by Airbnb.  

Charities and community interest groups from across the UK interested in future funding opportunities can stay up-to-date with our Foundation via its website.

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Last updated: 8 August 2024