The global context has changed dramatically since COP26, but climate change remains humanity’s biggest threat. Our over reliance on fossil fuels continues to warm our planet.
Mike Thornton, chief executive at Energy Saving Trust, said:
“Important commitments were made in Glasgow to address this, including phasing out coal, the transition to low carbon travel and increased finances to support clean energy access in developing countries. However, as the UK hands over the presidency to Egypt, Glasgow’s legacy must not lose momentum.
“At COP27, we must see a focus on the fundamental climate policy gaps that remain. This is nothing new – Energy Saving Trust’s central mission to support a just transition to net zero has been our focus for the past 30 years since we were set up at the first United Nation’s Earth Summit.
“In this time, we have seen a shift in attitudes and important commitments to address climate change around the world. However, stark warnings, including earlier this week from the UN that the world is at the tipping point for limiting global temperature rises to 1.5C, are deeply concerning and a strong signal that change is not happening fast enough.
“We urgently need to see the UK Government’s focus on clean growth and calls for global leaders to move further and faster turned into action. At home, we know all too well how the energy landscape has shifted over the past 12 months, turning the focus even more towards energy security and affordability. Moving away from fossil fuels through reducing energy demand and scaling up renewable energy production are critical solutions to both the energy crisis and achieving net zero for the long-term.
“Ambitious investment in energy efficiency, low carbon heating, renewable energy, sustainable transport and the supply chains which enable them, are clear practical steps that we continue to call for. At an international level, we are calling for investment in adaptation and mitigation for those countries experiencing the most severe impact of climate change.
“We are optimistic that these goals can be achieved, and the world’s climate trajectory can be improved. This must no longer be an ambition; delivery of change is essential if we are to maintain a liveable environment for the future. COP27 is a vital opportunity to transform words into actions and put delivery as the focus in Sharm El Sheikh.”