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Introduction to zero emission powered light vehicles – Leeds

Online, 16 March 2023, 12.30 - 1.30pm

Location notice

Please note that this page contains information and links most relevant for people living in England.

Event details:

  • Online
  • Thursday 16 March 2023
  • 12.30pm – 1.30pm

Are you interested in how zero emission Powered Light Vehicles (zePLVs) will decarbonise transport?

This webinar session will explore the use of lesser-known zero emission Powered Light Vehicles as a realistic, targeted, sustainable intervention for businesses looking to green their fleets.

We will cover:

  • An introduction to Energy Saving Trust and their work on zePLVs
  • An introduction to zePLVs and their various forms
  • Understanding how these vehicles can be beneficial to a range of organisations
  • Understanding these vehicles as an alternative and/or working alongside other electric vehicles (EVs)

Speakers will include the Department for Transport (DfT), Zemo and Leeds City Council as well as some interesting live case studies from businesses who have already started incorporated these vehicles and the benefits they have had.

This event is targeted at local businesses and government authorities working in or around Leeds.

Book now

Last updated: 7 March 2023