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National Library of Scotland’s sustainability fair

National Library of Scotland, Edinburgh, 24 February 2023, 10am–4pm

Location notice

Please note that this page contains information and links most relevant for people living in Scotland.

Event details:

  • National Library of Scotland, Edinburgh EH1 1EW
  • Friday 24 February 2023
  • 10am–4pm

Come and chat to Home Energy Scotland at the National Library of Scotland’s sustainability fair on 24 February 2023. The focus of the event is to showcase how sustainability can help with the cost of living, as well as support the local community.

Organisations in attendance include:

  • Home Energy Scotland
  • Edinburgh Repair Café
  • Cyrenians
  • Shrub Coop
  • Sustrans
  • Four Square
  • Edinburgh Tool Library

A friendly Home Energy Scotland will be on hand to provide energy advice and support. Join us to find out what Scottish Government funding could be available for your home.

Last updated: 6 February 2023