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Energy agencies and Renewable Energy Communities

Online, 25 November, 9am-1pm

Event details:

  • Online
  • 25 November 2022
  • 9am-1pm

The European Energy Network (ENR) presents the study it has conducted on ‘Energy Agencies and Renewable Energy Communities, a new path for energy decentralization.’

With the background of a challenging energy crisis and ambitious targets for renewable energy in the UK and Europe, all attention is focused on solutions that can help deliver on these targets. Renewable energy communities are seen as a high potential instrument, but there are still roadblocks preventing implementation at a more impactful scale.

This event will explore how Renewable Energy Communities can help us reach our full potential in the energy transition. Our senior project manager – Energy Redress, Graham Ayling, joins an impressive panel line-up discussion.

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Last updated: 21 November 2022