Location notice
Please note that this page contains information and links most relevant for people living in Scotland.
This report, updated annually, describes the home energy programmes that Energy Saving Trust delivers on behalf of the Scottish Government. Over recent years Energy Saving Trust has received an increasing number of enquiries about these programmes. These are often from organisations who are seeking to influence policy in other parts of the UK. There has also been increasing interest from stakeholders in other parts of Europe and elsewhere keen to learn more about the Scottish experience of delivering home energy programmes.
This publication responds to this demand for information and is updated annually to reflect relevant programme developments over the course of each year. This is the report’s second annual update.
The body of the report starts, at Section 2, with an overview of why the Scottish Government is taking action to improve the energy performance of Scotland’s homes. Section 3 outlines relevant medium and long term policy objectives. A distinctive element of the Scottish home energy policy programme is the emphasis put on advice to householders and Section 4 explains the Home Energy Scotland advice service. Section 5 details the financial support made available to homeowners, tenants and landlords in Scotland to help them improve the energy performance of their homes. Section 6 focuses on programmes designed to improve the delivery of home energy improvements by the supply chain, social landlords and local authorities. Appendix A is a detailed table summarising how each of Scotland’s main government home energy programmes is administered and delivered (contractual arrangements, quality assurance, evaluation, etc.).
What do we mean by ‘home energy programmes’? This report discusses programmes that promote energy improvements in homes: insulation, low and zero emissions heating systems, other domestic renewables systems, energy storage, and behavioural advice. These programmes can also cover wider support to address fuel poverty: helping people get on the right energy tariff and access all of the welfare benefits they are entitled to.