Location notice
Please note that this page contains information and links most relevant for people living in Northern Ireland.
The Department for Infrastructure (DfI) has commenced a review of strategic planning policy on renewable and low carbon energy. The aim of this review is to ensure that strategic planning policy on renewable and low carbon energy development remains fit for purpose and up to date to inform decision-making in relation to development proposals for this subject area. It is also intended to inform the local development plan (LDP) process and enable plan-makers to bring forward appropriate local policies, all within the wider contemporary context for energy and the climate emergency.
In our response we outlined the need for community ownership and engagement. In addition, we accepted the principle of planning in perpetuity subject to adequate consultation during decommissioning or re-powering and restoration stages
Our response did not express a preference in respect of the prioritisation of non-agricultural land for development however we supported co-location of renewable, low carbon energy and supporting infrastructure where possible.