Location notice
Please note that this page contains information and links most relevant for people living in Northern Ireland.
A consultation has been issued by the Utility Regulator for Northern Ireland to consult stakeholders on the proposed high-level approach to the next price control for Northern Ireland Electricity Networks (NIE Networks). This price control is due to be effective from 1 April 2024.
NIE Networks has a pivotal role in society. It develops, maintains, and operates the transmission and distribution networks that bring electricity to homes, places of work and social activity in Northern Ireland. The effectiveness and efficiency of NIE Networks and the way it interacts with consumers is important. The implementation of a new Energy Strategy, with the objective of delivering net zero, will result in changes in patterns of consumption and consumer expectations. It will require new ways of working and technologies to deliver in a changing and uncertain environment.
In our response we supported the proposed six-year duration price control as striking a correct balance together with the ongoing consumer engagement and introduction of Business Plan assessment processes.