Energy Saving Trust is pleased to respond to the Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS) consultation on domestic boiler standards.
Energy Saving Trust is the leading, impartial sustainable energy organisation. We work on behalf of governments and businesses across the UK providing services in the area of data, assurance, grant and loan administration, consumer engagement and advice.
For BEIS Energy Saving Trust delivers the telephone-based Energy Saving Advice Service in England and Wales. We also undertake other research and awareness-raising work for the department on a project-by-project basis. Prior to the coalition government, for over 15 years, Energy Saving Trust ran national energy advice services as a grant-funded organisation.
In Scotland Energy Saving Trust is a principal delivery partner of the Scottish Government for home energy efficiency. We run comprehensive local and national advice and support programmes.
Public engagement on energy is at the heart of our work. In total each year Energy Saving Trust handles just under half a million energy efficiency advice calls on behalf of UK and Scottish governments. Energy Saving Trust has a unique relationship with the public around energy saving and renewable energy and our response reflects that.