The £2 million Islands Green Recovery Programme / Prògram Ath-Shlànachaidh Uaine nan Eilean (IGRP) is part of the wider £230 million capital stimulus package announced by the Cabinet Secretary for Finance to support and encourage resilience across island communities.
The Islands Green Recovery Programme was heavily oversubscribed. An additional £383,341 was secured to maximise the impact of this capital stimulus investment for Scotland’s island communities, by funding more projects, bringing the total investment through the Islands Green Recovery Programme to £2,383,341.
Scottish Government’s Islands Green Recovery Programme by is split into four separate strands, each managed by one of the delivery partners in the programme:
- Energy Saving Trust fund (IGRP Sustainable Transport Fund) – £270,000 to support sustainable transport initiatives
- Zero Waste Scotland fund (IGRP Refill Fund) – £268,388 to introduce packaging-free shops
- Inspiring Scotland fund (IGRP Grant Fund) – £1,155,091 to support community recovery projects
- Highlands and Islands Enterprise fund (IGRP Projects to Support a More Carbon Neutral Economy) – £689,862 to support green economic recovery
The Islands Green Recovery Programme: Sustainable Transport Fund, managed by Energy Saving Trust, provides investment in sustainable transport projects, delivered by community-led organisations, for the benefit of island communities. The strategic aims of the fund are to support at least one pilot project related to sustainable transport and travel; reduce inequalities within the community; support a modal shift away from more carbon-intensive forms of travel; provide economic benefit; align with the community’s wider sustainability plans; and link with local and national policies. The fund is now closed for applications.