Under the Green Homes Grant Scheme, homeowners and landlords in England will be able to apply for vouchers worth up to two thirds of the cost of upgrading the energy efficiency of their home. For most people, the maximum contribution will be £5,000. Households on low incomes will be eligible for up to 100% funding, up to a maximum of £10,000.
Location notice
Please note that this page contains information and links most relevant for people living in England.
Please note the scheme is now closed to new applications.
The new £2 billion Green Homes Grant scheme will fund up to two-thirds of the cost of energy saving home improvements in England. The scheme closed to new applications on 31 March 2021.
If you applied for a voucher before the closing date, your application will still be processed.
If you have already been issued a voucher, you can still use it to get the work done. You should redeem your voucher before it expires.
What is the Green Homes Grant scheme?
Who can get Green Homes Grant scheme vouchers?
Only homeowners, including owner occupiers and social / private landlords, in England will be able to access the scheme.
If you live in Wales, Scotland or Northern Ireland, see the section at the bottom of the page to check what support is available to you.
How do you get the vouchers?
Advice and support on energy efficiency improvements is available to homeowners from the Simple Energy Advice service.
Simple Energy Advice will suggest appropriate home improvements that homeowners may be able to apply for support in funding.
They will then direct households to a list of approved TrustMark and or Microgeneration Certification Scheme (MCS) registered tradespeople in their local area to carry out the work. You can find accredited installers in your area using this tool.
Once the works are agreed, you can apply for a voucher on the government’s Green Homes Grant page.
What work can you do with the Green Homes Grant Scheme vouchers?
The Green Homes Grant Scheme will provide vouchers to install one or more energy saving measures, including:
- solid wall, under-floor, cavity wall or roof insulation
- air source or ground source heat pump (where the home has, or is having installed wall and loft insulation)
- solar thermal (where the home has, or is having installed wall and loft insulation)
- biomass boilers
Households will need to install at least one of these measures above to qualify for funding.
In addition, you can use your voucher for further energy saving measures, including one or more of the following:
- double or triple glazing/secondary glazing, when replacing single glazing
- upgrading to energy efficient doors
- hot water tank/appliance tank thermostats/heating controls
Related costs and blending finance
The vouchers will also cover some supplementary costs. These include professional services (such as structural engineer costs), contractor costs (such as waste removal and scaffolding) and associated work, such as improving ventilation and changes to pipework and radiators.
Check out the full list of supplementary costs.
There may be cases (for example, with low carbon heating) where the voucher doesn’t cover the whole cost. In some cases, it will be possible to combine the voucher with another scheme to promote low carbon heating, the Renewable Heat Incentive.
To do this, you will need to apply for the Green Homes Grant voucher first and use this to install a heat pump, for example. Once the measure is in place and the voucher redeemed, you can apply to the Renewable Heat Incentive.
If you are eligible, this will provide you with quarterly payments minus the amount you received from the Green Homes Grant. Find out more about combining the two schemes.

Savings from home energy efficiency measures eligible for the Green Homes Grant
Do you live in Wales, Scotland or Northern Ireland?
While the Green Homes Grant is only available in England, there are alternative sources of help available for energy saving home improvements in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.
You can find more information on help for energy saving home improvements: