Climate action and green recovery: what to expect from the G7 summit

11 June 2021

Leaders from the world’s seven largest economies will meet in Cornwall in June to discuss issues including Covid-19 recovery and climate change.

How community energy schemes can help the UK reach net zero

10 June 2021

With support from Energy Saving Trust, communities across the UK have been turning their projects into reality.

Supporting the UK’s transition to net zero

8 June 2021

This year offers the opportunity for a green recovery from Covid-19, in which the UK invests in a pathway to net zero.

Where can we reduce emissions to help reach net zero?

17 May 2021

We take a look at the main areas where we need to reduce emissions to reach net zero by 2050.

Making home energy improvements with net zero in mind

13 May 2021

To reach net zero, we will need to improve the energy efficiency of our homes and upgrade our heating systems to low…

Creating a sustainability strategy for your business

12 May 2021

Improving the sustainability of organisations is becoming increasingly important every year as part of efforts to address the climate emergency.

Choosing a green website hosting service

6 May 2021

We chose a website hosting provider that uses 100% green-sourced power for our brand new website, which launched to the public in…

Action on climate change: President Biden’s first 100 days

4 May 2021

We highlight five key climate actions taken by US President Joe Biden during his first 100 days in office.

Why sustainable behaviour change in the workplace is important

28 April 2021

Sustainability is being about transparent and genuine about your impact on the environment, while shaping the future of your organisation.

World Health Day: innovative technologies using clean energy to improve health

7 April 2021

We look at two organisations who received funding for projects that support the overall wellbeing of individuals, health and care workers.