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What to expect from your new heating system

Part five of the Greener Heating Guide

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Now that you’ve installed your new heating system, it’s time to sit back and enjoy all the benefits it has to offer.

It’s important to maintain your system with regular servicing to keep it working efficiently. If you’re eligible for the renewable heat incentive you’ll need to register your system, and if you’ve changed to a new fuel source it could be a good time to shop around for a cheaper tariff for your energy.

We have a range of case studies from across the UK of people who have made the switch to a renewable heating system, including some of our own colleagues and Energy Saving Trust. You can read their experiences below.

General benefits when you replace your heating with a newer system

  • Your new system will likely work more efficiently than the old one so you’ll use less energy, lowering your carbon impact.
  • You’ll likewise pay less on your heating bills thanks to the new efficient system you’ve installed.
  • Your home could feel warmer and more comfortable than before, if your old system wasn’t working very well.

Case studies

Read these real life stories to find out about the process of installing a new heating system.

Solar water heating

Mr Helme shows you the renewable technologies he's installed for his home and describes his experience living with them.


Mr Sherring shows you around his passivhaus, explaining his experience of living in a low-carbon home and what it means for his bills.

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Last updated: 30 April 2024