In our capacity as co-secretariat of Efficiency for Access, we deliver the Efficiency for Access Design Challenge with the support of Engineers Without Borders UK. Funded by UK aid and the IKEA Foundation, the Challenge is a global, multi-disciplinary competition that enables teams of university students to create affordable and energy efficient appliances and technologies for the global south. By bringing together and inspiring students, the competition aims to foster innovation and seeks to help address barriers that limit market expansion in this area.
The second year of the Challenge began in September 2020, with students from 21 universities in Bangladesh, Ethiopia, India, Kenya, Nepal, Sweden, Uganda and the UK participating. Students submitted their projects in April 2021 and presented their projects online to a panel of expert judges in late May. The Challenge came to a close in June with the Grand Final event, which showcased participating teams’ innovations to an audience of 150 representatives from aid agencies and foundations, private sector representatives, academics, and the broader civil society.
You can watch highlights from the Challenge in the video below: