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Bridging the gap to net zero report launch

Online, 8 March 2023, 2 – 3pm

Event details:

  • Online
  • Wednesday 8 March 2023
  • 2–3pm

The government has set a target for a fully decarbonised power system by 2035 and it can be difficult to understand how this will be achieved.

We have been working with National Grid ESO on their Bridging the Gap to net zero project which takes a look at what actions need to be taken to achieve this goal. Abby Ward, our policy and communications officer, will be joining a webinar on 8 March to discuss the key findings of the project.

The panel will be discussion how hydrogen can help deliver a fully decarbonised electricity system and how millions of households can provide flexibility.  For more information and to register for this free session, please click here.

Last updated: 7 March 2023