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Electric cycles supporting health equity in Scotland

Online, 30 November 2023, 1.30pm – 4.15pm

Location notice

Please note that this page contains information and links most relevant for people living in Scotland.

Event details:

  • Online
  • Thursday 30 November 2023
  • 1.30pm – 4.15pm

Do you want to know more about the role ebikes, electric cargo and adapted cycles can play in creating healthier and fairer communities? Energy Saving Trust is delivering a free virtual event exploring the ways that electric cycles could support health equity in Scotland.

This event covers a range of topics, starting with an overview of health inequalities and the health benefits of cycling. Dive into real-life case studies showcasing how electric cycles positively impact healthcare and social prescribing. Learn ways to support groups experiencing health inequalities from cycling projects, organisations, and researchers, and engage with experts in Q&A panels. Join us for an informative session at the crossroads of cycling, health, and community support.

Who should attend?

  • Health and social care professionals.
  • Anyone working with groups facing health inequalities.
  • Decision makers looking to explore solutions.
  • Those working in transport, active travel and inclusivity.

If any of these categories apply to you, this event can help you expand your knowledge and explore the potential of incorporating electric cycles in your work, project or community.

We look forward to welcoming you on the day.

Register here

Draft agenda

Time slotTopicSpeaker
1.30pm-1.35pm IntroductionEnergy Saving Trust
1.35pm-1.50pmIntroduction to transport, health and Health InequalitiesAnna Gale, Public Health Scotland
1.50pm-2.05pmE-cycling and health: the evidence so farDr Paul Kelly, the Physical Activity for Health Research Centre
2.05pm-2.15pmGPs on ebikesAshleigh Henderson, NHS Tayside Lead for Physical Activity
2.15pm-2.25pmE-cycles for care and recoveryMollie Ritchie, the Dundee Green Health Partnership and Dundee Volunteer and Voluntary Action
2.25pm-2.45pmQ&A panelAnna Gale, Dr Paul Kelly, Ashleigh Henderson and Mollie Ritchie
2.45pm-2.50pmComfort break
2.50pm – 3.10pmDelivering Good Work: Labour, employment and wellbeing in London’s cargo bike sectorErsilia Verlinghieri, Active Travel Academy, and Tiffany Lam, Sustrans
3.10pm-3.30pmBenefits, barriers and solutions: Disabled people’s access to e-cyclesKate Ball, Wheels for Wellbeing
3.30pm-3.45pm Transport, poverty and e-cyclesDr Emily Ryder, Cycling UK
3.45pm-4.05pmQ&A panelErsilia Verlinghieri, Tiffany Lam, Kate Ball and Dr Emily Ryder
4.05pm-4.10pmClosing remarksEnergy Saving Trust
Please note this is a draft agenda that may be subject to change. Actual timings may vary slightly on the day.

Speaker and agenda item details

About the event organisers

The event is funded by Transport Scotland and delivered by Energy Saving Trust.

Transport Scotland is an agency of the Scottish Government, delivering the vision for transport in Scotland.

Energy Saving Trust is an independent organisation dedicated to promoting energy efficiency, low carbon transport and sustainable energy use. We aim to address the climate emergency and deliver the wider benefits of clean energy as we transition to net zero. We empower householders to make better choices, deliver transformative programmes for governments and support businesses with strategy, research, and assurance – enabling everyone to play their part in building a sustainable future.


Data handling

Your data will be stored securely on the event registration platform’s servers. Further details on how we use your data can be found within the registration form on Zoom. For further information about how we use your data please see Energy Saving Trust’s privacy policy available at or from our Data Protection Officer at

Last updated: 16 November 2023