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Blog Post 23 February 2021 Updated 5 September 2024

How to engage your employees with sustainability

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Please note that this page contains information and links most relevant for people living in England.

With 47% of smaller businesses stating that carbon reduction is a high or very high priority, sustainability is no longer a ‘nice to have’.

But did you know that engaging employees in your organisation’s sustainability strategy is a key factor in making it a success? By bringing your team on the journey and giving them the resources to learn more, you empower them to take action to support your goals.

Whether your employees are working remotely or in an office, there are several things you can do to make sure they’re on board. Here, we share the most effective steps to engage your team with sustainability and energy efficiency.

Involve staff in your strategy

To make your sustainability strategy a success, you need buy-in from every member of staff. One of the best ways to do this is to make staff feel included in your plans.

Consider running a series of meetings or workshops to introduce your strategy to your team. Ask staff to share their views and raise any concerns. This will highlight any areas where staff need more support to engage with your strategy.

By taking their comments on board, you also shape the strategy in a way that works for all staff.

Set up a sustainability group

UK workers are increasingly focused on sustainability and expect their employers to do more. For example, research by Zest found 51% of employees are keen to see their company invest more in sustainability.

Why not empower your employees to drive change in your organisation by setting up a sustainability group or team of energy champions?

A sustainability group is responsible for promoting sustainable workplace practices, developing ideas to save energy and reduce waste, and motivating staff to act more sustainably.

Sustainability spotlight meetings are another way to get staff members involved. The sessions focus on a particular topic, such as recycling, with the opportunity for employees to share their tips and personal anecdotes. You may be surprised by the innovative suggestions your team comes up with.

Group of colleagues sitting at a table with a laptop, tablet and notepad in an office

Invest in training

A survey by the Institution of Engineering and Technology found that 76% of UK employers require additional skills to implement their organisation’s sustainability strategy.

Upskill your team with dedicated energy efficiency and sustainability training. By increasing your employees’ understanding of these topics, you support behaviour change and embed sustainability into your business operations.

Training staff on sustainability brings wider benefits to your business. It helps your employees save energy at work and home, increases staff morale, and gives your business a competitive edge.

Looking for expert sustainability training for your employees? Our e-learning platform and courses can help.

Run a sustainability induction for staff

A dedicated induction helps to promote a sustainable work culture and encourages staff to adopt sustainable behaviours. Run an induction with new starters during onboarding and as part of your annual training for all staff.

A sustainability induction can include:

  • A presentation about the benefits of saving energy for your company and employees, and your role in helping the UK reach net zero.
  • An introduction to key staff members responsible for driving your net zero strategy and a representative from your sustainability group.
  • Interactive elements or group discussions to keep the session engaging.
  • A quiz at the end to test attendees’ knowledge.

If you’re looking to create a sustainability onboarding module as part of your mandatory training, why not use our e-learning platform and courses? The courses cover key topics including saving energy at home and at work, and sustainability and net zero. This gets your employees to a baseline level of knowledge. From there, you can guide them to your net zero strategy.

Hear from expert speakers

Hosting workshops with expert speakers engages staff and demonstrates your organisation’s commitment to its sustainability goals.

Consider running regular ‘lunch and learn’ sessions with a guest speaker on a sustainability topic. This can be an external speaker, for example someone from a climate-focused organisation. Alternatively, you may find there’s someone in your team who can share their expertise.

Two women sitting on a stage presenting to a group of colleagues sitting on chairs in the audience at an office

Share resources

Remind staff to save energy in the workplace by sharing resources and materials with easily digestible information.

Some ideas include:

  • Putting up posters around the office with tips on saving energy at work and home.
  • Placing stickers with reminders on equipment – for example to switch off appliances at the wall when not in use.
  • Creating an office walkaround checklist to review how well your energy saving measures are working.

Check out our free resources to help you communicate and engage with your employees on sustainable behaviours at home and at work.

Take part in awareness days

Marking environmental awareness days is a great way to bring employees together and reiterate your sustainability agenda.

Where possible, link these days to initiatives from your sustainability strategy. For example, if you have an objective to reduce emissions from transport, promote Bike Week to encourage staff to commute by bike instead of car.

Examples of awareness days include:

Organise sustainability-themed team activities

Team bonding activities are a fun way for employees to get to know each other. By making these sustainability-themed, you empower your staff to take practical action to improve their local environment and strengthen your sustainability credentials.

Some ideas include:

  • Litter picking on local beaches, parks and canals.
  • Promoting active travel through a cycling or running group.
  • Volunteering for environmental causes.

Start your workplace sustainability journey today

If you’re looking for support to develop your sustainability strategy, engage employees with training or resources, or evaluate your business’ sustainable actions, we’re here to help.

Speak to us to find out what we can do for you.

Last updated: 5 September 2024