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Energy Industry Voluntary Redress Scheme

Energy Industry Voluntary Redress Scheme

Energy Saving Trust was appointed in 2018 by Ofgem to distribute payments from energy companies who may have breached rules.

Location notice

Please note that this page contains information and links most relevant for people living in England, Scotland, Wales.

Energy Saving Trust has been appointed by Ofgem to distribute payments from companies who may have breached Ofgem rules. Registered Charities, Community Interest Companies, Co-operative Societies and Community Benefit Societies can apply for funds to deliver energy related projects that meet the scheme priorities and benefit people in England, Scotland and Wales. Energy Saving Trust will be administering the scheme until 2024.

Supporting energy consumers in vulnerable situations

Its core priority is to support energy consumers in vulnerable situations, such as people who are most at risk from cold homes and high energy bills.

Developing innovative projects

Part of the funding also supports projects that develop or trial innovative products or services that will support energy consumers.

Reducing carbon emissions

Funds can also support energy-related activities aimed at reducing carbon dioxide emissions from energy use. These projects focus on energy generation or distribution.

Who is eligible to apply?

The Energy Redress Scheme is only open to registered organisations in England, Scotland and Wales, and Housing Associations that are exempted charities.

  • Main fund and Small fund: projects must be led by a Charity. Other organisations may be involved, but the charity must submit the application and be responsible for the funding and project delivery
  • Carbon Emissions Reduction Fund and Innovation fund: projects can be led by a charity, Community Interest Company, Co-operative Society or Community Benefit Society.

Organisations can register their interest in the scheme at any time and if they pass a basic due diligence process, they can then submit applications when a funding round opens. Successful projects are selected with input from an independent panel of experts and cover a range of locations across England, Scotland and Wales.

Useful links

Learn more about how the scheme has benefited vulnerable consumers, funded innovative projects and supported carbon reduction projects.

Last updated: 24 June 2024