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Research and data

Consultancy and energy modelling

Our trusted insights and accurate information can provide you with usable data you can build into your advice and projects.

We work across all aspects of energy, from the home, businesses and transport, to new and emerging technologies – so no matter what your needs our we can support you.

Get in touch to see what we can do for you.

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Data and insight consultancy

We continually update our facts and figures, providing well researched fresh and high-quality insight into energy use, new technologies, and consumer attitudes and behaviours. Our team of researchers, modellers and data analysts produce tailored, in-depth data and content to support your projects.

In addition, you have the option to licence the use of the ‘verified by Energy Saving Trust’ brandmark on any verified marketing featuring Energy Saving Trust’s facts and figures to highlight that it has been supplied and approved by us.

If you are looking for additional support, our our expert team are on hand to help. 

Research and analysis

Our research and analysis services look at consumer attitudes, in-depth data analytics, market research, desk research, qualitative and quantitative studies of energy use, carbon dioxide emissions reduction, and emerging technologies for businesses across the UK.

For low-carbon projects to be a success, it’s vital to have a clear idea of both the challenge ahead, and how you’re doing once it’s underway. This is where accurate and timely research and data analysis comes in.

Our team of experts can provide you with new insights and ideas through primary and secondary research and data analysis.

This might mean understanding where gaps in the market are, where people who could most stand to benefit from green technologies live, and exactly how these technologies are performing when they’re used under normal conditions.

We have extensive experience of researching and modelling the costs and benefits of different technologies or policy approaches. We can also model bespoke savings or the impacts of installing certain energy efficiency measures on particular house types. Our team of researchers are experts in undertaking literature reviews and stakeholder mapping and engagement exercises, ensuring we build on the most accurate information for our analysis.

Speak to us today

Get in touch to find out how we can help your business.

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Last updated: 3 April 2024