Would you say that your fridge is noisy? Or your gas boiler? Heat pumps make about as much noise as these everyday appliances.
The typical range of a heat pump when it’s on is between 40 and 60 decibels (dB). A group of acoustic experts investigated heat pump noise and found them to be about as noisy as a refrigerator.
Also, all heat pump installations need to comply with strict standards. For example, you can’t normally install a heat pump unless the noise level is 42dB or less when stood one metre from a neighbouring window. Any louder than this and you need planning permission.
Heat pumps may make a bit more noise during cold snaps as they work harder during colder temperatures, but you can still have a normal conversation while standing right next to one.
In cases where heat pumps make more noise than expected, it’s often because it needs a service, or it hasn’t been levelled correctly. You can also get anti-vibration feet for heat pumps (similar to those available for washing machines).