Energy Saving Trust’s response to the Climate Assembly report

10 September 2020

Our approach to supporting the transition to a net zero carbon emission society is that solutions must begin with engaging people.

Opportunities for electric vehicle adoption as part of the green recovery

9 September 2020

Across the world, governments are looking towards a sustainable, green economic recovery, as the first wave of the Covid-19 pandemic recedes.

Ofgem approval for Chimella to open up Warmer Homes through innovation

18 August 2020

Energy Saving Trust is leading on recruiting homes and analysing the project data on the Chimella trial.

Climate Emergency Response Group response to Scottish Government priority for green economy

5 August 2020

The Climate Emergency Response Group welcomed the Scottish Government’s priority for a green economy.

Welsh climate governance as a model for Northern Ireland

29 July 2020

The Welsh Government has recently implemented its own climate target regime, facing similar challenges to Northern Ireland in decarbonising.

Fix Your Bike Scheme – an apology

29 July 2020

Energy Saving Trust would like to apologise for the frustration and inconvenience at the Fix Your Bike Voucher Scheme website being taken…

Climate Emergency Response Group publishes new plan for Scotland’s green recovery

13 July 2020

Key actions for Scottish Government to ensure the recovery post COVID-19 sets a path to net zero.

Energy Saving Trust’s response to the UK Government’s Summer Statement

8 July 2020

We welcome the Chancellor's confirmation that landlords will be able to apply for the new Green Home Grant scheme as well as…

A promising start for a green recovery

7 July 2020

We welcome this morning’s announcement for a £3 billion green stimulus investment with a focus on improving energy efficiency and heating.

How technological innovation can extend the benefits of cooling around the world

26 June 2020

World Refrigeration Day shines a light on the globally important role of refrigeration, falling on 26 June each year.