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Who we are

Net zero

Our impact

We believe transparency is a key aspect of net zero leadership. 

Since 2020, we’ve been using methodology developed by the Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Protocol to calculate our scope one, two and three emissions.

In the context of our work, the scopes are defined as follows.

  • Scope one: direct emissions
    Any activity we do that directly releases emissions. Direct emissions are from sources that we own or control (eg fuel emissions from leased vehicles). 
  • Scope two: indirect emissions
    These come from the energy we buy.
  • Scope three: all other indirect emissions
    This includes anything linked to our value chains.

This dashboard, from 1 April 2020 to 31 March 2021, serves as our baseline emissions. We will compare our future emission reductions to this baseline.

Our strategy

In 2021, a group of employees from across our business began developing our net zero strategy. The Plan Zero strategy established our targets and specific actions to achieve them, all in line with a trajectory to meet the Paris agreement.

Plan Zero puts emission reductions among our top organisational priorities and helps us set an example to other businesses and organisations.


Our targets

We’ve committed to setting company-wide emission reductions in line with the Science Based Targets initiative as follows.

We’re committed to achieving to the following near-term targets:

  • Reducing absolute scope one and scope two GHG emissions by 42% by 2030, compared to the 2020-21 base year.
  • Reducing absolute scope three GHG emissions by 25% by 2030, compared to the 2020-21 base year.
  • Reducing absolute scope three GHG emissions from purchased goods and services category by 25% by 2030, compared to the 2020-21 base year.

We commit that 75% of carbon emissions in the following categories will be represented by suppliers having their own targets set by 2030.

  • Categories: purchased goods and services: waste generated in operations: investments; upstream transportation and distributions and any other categories where the supplier choice is directly influences by us.

We’re also committed to the following long-term target:

  • Reducing absolute scope one, two and three GHG emissions by 90% by 2045, compared to the 2020-21 base year.

Our net zero target have been approved by the Science Based Targets initiative.

How will we get here?

  • Resource: ensuring sufficient resource allocation for the delivery of Plan Zero.
  • Verification: continue monitoring GHG reporting and verification certification schemes available. We will consider joining new initiatives that are aligned with our values, vision, and targets. 
  • Culture change: committing to embedding net zero in our organisational culture.
  • Employee support: providing options to enable employees to progress on their own net zero journeys. 
  • Offices: improving policies and develop plans to implement measures to reduce the impact of our offices.
  • Travel: building on the existing policies to update and improve our working practices to minimise carbon emissions from
  • Working from home and commuting: supporting employees to reduce emissions associated with working from home and commuting.
  • Procurement: integrating net zero into the procurement process to achieve our scope three targets.
  • Products and services: working on quantifying benefits from our climate change mitigation projects using the GHG Protocol methodology.
  • Research and innovation: being aware of and implementing innovative solutions to rapidly cut our emissions.

Our progress


If you have any questions about our sustainability, please get in touch with our net zero lead, Jennifer Cameron.

Last updated: 26 October 2023