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Who we are

Our mission

Energy Saving Trust is an independent organisation – working to address the climate emergency.

A respected and trusted voice on energy efficiency and clean energy solutions, we continue to work towards a smart, decarbonised, decentralised energy system.

  • We empower millions of householders every year to make better energy choices.
  • We deliver transformative energy programmes working with governments.
  • We support businesses with energy efficiency strategies, research, assurance and communications, enabling them to play their part in building a sustainable future.

Energy Saving Trust – be part of a positive change.

Our values

We are expert, recognised as the authority on energy saving thanks to our many years of experience. Our skill, impartiality and professionalism mean we are always fully prepared ­– and trusted – when it comes to doing the right thing.

We are collaborative, open to sharing our knowledge and expertise. We believe in the power of community, as well as governments, in delivering change and we’re optimistic about what we can achieve working with others.

We are impartial, free from bias and prepared to make the right decision, even when it’s the more difficult path. We are honest, straightforward and trustworthy.

We are innovative, open to change both large and small, constantly striving to improve how we operate internally and externally to reach our goals.

We are supportive, reaching out to include everyone. We believe in a just transition for all and want to help individuals, communities and businesses find their way to net zero.

We are determined, driven by a fierce belief in the critical importance of our work. We know we can make a difference. We understand the scale of the challenge but will never give up.

Our story

Energy Saving Trust is a profit for purpose organisation. We don’t have shareholders – any profits go back into the business and our mission, to address the climate emergency.

Our story began in 1992. Energy Saving Trust was set up with just two employees following the United Nation’s Earth summit in Rio de Janeiro; an event which accelerated the awareness of the need for energy conservation.

Our initial role was to work with the energy companies, at a time when public and policy attention had turned to the problems of cold homes and wasted energy. Since then, we’ve seen governments steadily move towards low-carbon and renewable energy and shift away from coal and fossil fuels. And we’ve supported them along the way, as well as working with an increasing number of corporate partners that share this ambition.

We’ve been a constant source of advice and support to householders, governments and businesses, as successive energy bills and global agreements have reinforced the critical need for energy efficiency and carbon reduction,

Today, we reach over one million customers a year.

We are committed to supporting the devolved governments of the United Kingdom with their own energy saving policies. Our teams are based in London, Edinburgh, Cardiff and Belfast to reflect this approach.

And we don’t just focus on the UK. We have been working across Europe for the last decade and we’re increasingly putting our expertise into play right across the globe.

Our scope has broadened as our organisation has matured. We help our customers save energy, anything from a simple change in how they use their appliances, to buying an advanced, renewable energy system. We tackle the energy used in transport. And we make the connection between water use and energy.

We’re connecting with more industry sectors too, together we’re finding new ways to save carbon and deliver the benefits of energy saving:

  • reducing fuel poverty
  • lower fuel bills
  • jobs and growth in renewable energy industries
  • healthier homes
  • cleaner air

We are a passionate team, dedicated to making change happen. We’ve come a long way already and our role will remain vital as the clean energy revolution continues.

The next phase in our journey is to support the UK in meeting 2050 carbon targets recommended by the Committee for Climate Change. This means significant changes to our homes, communities, cities and transport infrastructure. Part of our role in this change is to spread the energy saving message locally and internationally.

It’s a challenge that we at Energy Saving Trust are determined to rise to.

Impact report 2023/24

In 2023/24 our work was more important than ever. Our experts empowered millions of people to navigate the energy crisis through our trusted advice and information.

Read now

Our partnerships

We are a member of several networks, memberships and joint ventures across a range of sectors.

Last updated: 2 September 2024