Stay warm in winter: five areas to add insulation in your home

17 November 2020

We look at five areas to add insulation in your home, which could help keep the heat in, lower your carbon emissions,…

Five sustainable innovations to keep an eye on

3 November 2020

From 3D solar panels to a new system that cleans and reuses water from your washing machine, we take a closer look…

Check, switch and save with Big Energy Saving Winter

2 November 2020

Today marks the launch of Big Energy Saving Winter, a campaign to help you cut your energy bills and access financial support.

Top 10 energy saving actions for your home

29 October 2020

We round up our top 10 energy saving tips to help you save money on your energy bills and reduce your household…

Get ready for winter with the Green Homes Grant scheme

30 September 2020

If you need help to get your home ready for winter this year, you may be able to apply for a voucher…

How to save energy when using your washing machine

27 September 2020

Our appliances play a big role in the quest to reduce our climate impact, not to mention their effect on our energy…

Simple steps to take action on home energy efficiency

3 September 2020

While industrial energy use has gone down during the Covid-19 lockdown, daytime home energy usage has risen by nearly 30%.

Climate change: what can you do to help?

22 August 2020

In 2020, Earth Overshoot Day falls on 22 August. We look at what you can do to push back this date by…

Turning a home extension into an energy saving opportunity

6 August 2020

We look at how you can achieve the spacious and warm rooms you want, while adding long-term energy efficiency measures as you…

Ten top sustainable innovations for 2020

5 August 2020

Energy Saving Trust looks at 10 innovations that may - or may not - change the way we interact with our world…