A brief history of the electric car

10 August 2021

While many consider electric cars to be a relatively new invention, the first vehicles were produced and used in the early 19th…

Cycle to Work Day: five reasons you should commute by bike

5 August 2021

This week we’re celebrating Cycle to Work Day on Thursday 5 August – a chance to take part in the UK’s biggest…

Climate change targets in Northern Ireland: progressing towards net zero

3 August 2021

Northern Ireland's extensive rural areas and renewable energy potential provide both challenges and opportunities to cut carbon emissions.

Green recovery after a time of challenge

29 July 2021

Covid-19 presented challenges, but also generated creative opportunities and fresh possibilities for a greener recovery.

Re-focusing finance on greener outcomes

29 July 2021

Green finance is key to securing a low-carbon future. To tackle the climate emergency, we must target finance at greener outcomes.

Leading the way on clean, green transport

29 July 2021

To reduce emissions from transport, change is needed at every level. Our holistic approach supports the sector as a whole.

How to be part of the solution to plastic pollution

27 July 2021

We’ve come up with our own list of 10 ways to avoid single-use plastic and help protect our planet.

Green Economy Fund projects making a difference in Scotland

23 July 2021

The Green Economy Fund invests in projects that accelerate development of Scotland’s green economy.

Why you should consider an ebike: experiences of those who have switched

22 July 2021

Electric bikes, or ebikes, have an electric motor and battery to help you cover more ground quicker, at the same time as…

Why an ecargo bike isn’t just for businesses

20 July 2021

We take a closer look at the benefits of ecargo bikes and consider why everyone – from businesses to individuals to families…