With energy bills at an all-time high, knowing how to save energy has never mattered more.
To make your home more energy efficient in the long-term then keep reading.
Whether it’s information on green heating, insulating your home, or investing in more energy efficient appliances – we’ve got it covered below.
What appliances use the most electricity?
We look at what appliances use the most electricity at home, and share some tips on using them efficiently.
Should I turn my boiler’s flow temperature down?
You could save money and energy by turning down your boiler's flow temperature. We look at the options available to you depending…
Getting the £400 Energy Bill Support Scheme discount if you’re on a traditional pre-payment meter
If you pay for your energy by traditional pre-payment meter, read our step-by-step guide to access the £400 energy discount.
Last updated: 13 June 2023