Please note that this page contains information and links most relevant for people living in Scotland.
Important information
The plugged-in communities grant fund round 3 is still open for applications. However, please be aware that all funding has now been offered and any new eligible applications will be added to our waitlist.
The plugged-in communities grant fund (formerly Plugged-in Households) will continue supporting Scottish community transport organisations in 2024/25.
About the plugged-in communities grant fund
Funding can cover 100% of costs, up to £75,000, to replace a community transport vehicle with a zero-emission alternative, to support community trips and services.
Funding excludes VAT (unless deemed non-reclaimable), and no match funding is required. Grants are available to cover the following zero-emission vehicles:
Light goods vehicles
Mopeds/ motorcycles
This funding round follows the popular round 1 and 2 funds, that ran in 2022/23 and 2023/24.
These rounds supported community transport organisations and highlighted the high demand from the sector to help make the switch to zero-emission vehicles.
How to apply
If you think your organisation is eligible for the fund and would like to apply, please complete our pre-application check:
If your organisation is eligible, we’ll send you a link to the application portal.
Before you submit the form, please check our eligibility criteria below.
Applicants must meet all the following criteria to be eligible for funding under the Plugged-in Communities Grant Fund:
Applicants must be a recognised community transport organisation or operator in Scotland with a UK bank account.
Applicants must be providing community transport services. The Community Transport Association define community transport as “flexible and accessible community-led solutions in response to unmet local transport needs, and often represents the only means of transport for many vulnerable and isolated people, often older people or people with disabilities”.
Applicants must commit to providing appropriate charging or powering infrastructure to support the running of the zero-emission vehicle. This can include public or shared access.
Applicants must be committed to providing quarterly monitoring reports to Energy Saving Trust that detail miles driven, number of journeys and customers of the funded zero-emission vehicle.
Applicants must be able to demonstrate that receipt of additional funding will not breach new Public Subsidy rules. Further details on subsidy rules are included in the application form or on request.
Applicants cannot have previously received funding through the Plugged in Communities grant fund in any previous years.
Applicants must ensure that any vehicle ordered is delivered and claimed by 31 March 2025.
Advice sessions
We’re running weekly drop in sessions to support applicants. If you would like more information, please email and we’ll send you a link.
Terms and Conditions
Energy Saving Trust is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. This fund is subject to availability and terms and conditions apply.
Previous rounds of funding supported housing associations, housing cooperatives and community groups, and included the launch of zero-emission car club services for residents and local communities.
The following organisations were awarded funding in the 2018/19 financial year: