The first way we do this is by managing the Northern Ireland Sustainable Energy Programme (NISEP) fund. It helps people get the money they need to make energy saving changes at home.
We’ve managed NISEP on behalf of Northern Ireland’s Utility Regulator for the last 20 years.
NISEP has been particularly successful in targeting homes with inadequate insulation and inefficient heating systems. In 2023/24 our NISEP impact was greater than ever as we delivered £7.4 million* to people most in need.
Thanks to our successful management of NISEP, homeowners, private tenants and housing associations installed a wide range of energy saving measures last year, including:
- 1,498 installations of loft insulation*
- 1,138 installations of cavity and solid wall insulation*
- 897 new heating systems*
- 4,986 LED lightbulbs (9,705 including commercial schemes)*
- 128 hot water tank jackets*
- 513 shower flow regulators*
- 194 reflective radiator panels*
- 321 smart heating controls
These upgrades can help people save on their energy bills. They can also lead to healthier homes, and an improved environment as a result of 1,214 tons of carbon* being saved through the programme in 2023/24.
*figures provided are pre-audit figures and are subject to change.