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News 30 August 2024 Updated 11 September 2024

Powering a sustainable future in Northern Ireland

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Please note that this page contains information and links most relevant for people living in Northern Ireland.

We have a strong track record of using our energy expertise to collaborate with key partners to change lives in Northern Ireland.  

We do this by helping people access funding in Northern Ireland and advice to make a range of home and business energy improvements. 

Helping those who need it most

The first way we do this is by managing the Northern Ireland Sustainable Energy Programme (NISEP) fund. It provides funding for energy saving changes:

  • at home
  • in non-domestic properties
  • in commercial properties 

We’ve managed NISEP on behalf of Northern Ireland’s Utility Regulator for the last 20 years. 

NISEP has been particularly successful in targeting homes with inadequate insulation and inefficient heating systems. In 2023/24 we delivered £7.4 million* in energy efficiency measures to homes and non-domestic properties throughout Northern Ireland.  

Thanks to our successful management of NISEP, a range of energy saving measures have been installed by:

  • homeowners
  • private tenants
  • housing associations
  • businesses
  • non-domestic properties

Domestic measures installed* include:

  • 1,498 installations of loft insulation
  • 1,116 installations of cavity wall insulation
  • 22 installations of solid wall insulation
  • 897 new heating systems
  • 4,986 LED lightbulbs
  • 128 hot water tank jackets 
  • 513 shower flow regulators
  • 194 reflective radiator panels
  • 321 smart heating controls 

Non-domestic and commercial measures installed* include:

  • Three new heating systems
  • 4,719 LED lightbulbs
  • 32 solar panel systems
  • 13 intelligent heating controls
  • Nine variable speed technologies

These upgrades can help people and organisations save on their energy bills and lead to healthier homes. They also improve the environment as 4,452 tonnes of annual CO2 emissions* were saved through the programme in 2023/24. 

*figures provided are pre-audit figures and are subject to change. 

Who's eligible for NISEP funding?

80% of NISEP funding is income based for domestic schemes. The remaining 20% is non income based for domestic and non-domestic/commercial schemes.

Applicants accessed the funding through 22 energy efficiency schemes that were delivered by 10 organisations across Northern Ireland. Some schemes were fully funded by NISEP and others were part-funded. This included one commercial scheme that offered 20% funding towards installing energy efficiency measures. 

NISEP itself is funded by a levy on all domestic and commercial electricity bills in Northern Ireland. 

Looking ahead to three more years of NISEP

The Department for the Economy (DfE) has confirmed that NISEP will run until 2027. Meanwhile, it will develop a new programme in line with the Energy Strategy for Northern Ireland.  

We worked closely with DfE to manage £900K of funding on their behalf through an insulation scheme in 23/24 using the NISEP framework. We’ll continue to support any additional funding streams in the future.  

Energy Saving Trust currently carries out the role of Programme Administrator for the Northern Ireland Sustainable Energy Programme (NISEP), managing an average annual budget of £8 million across multiple schemes delivered by a range of organisations. Consistent programme delivery provided by Energy Saving Trust allows funding to be distributed to a variety of energy efficiency schemes across Northern Ireland, the majority of which are targeted at vulnerable consumers. Utility Regulator

Helping people save energy at home

Our work in Northern Ireland goes wider that NISEP. Thanks to our expertise and reputable track record we’ve expanded our work in Northern Ireland. 

Last year, we partnered with the Northern Ireland Housing Executive to show residents how to lower their energy bills and make their homes more comfortable. One way we did this was with our easy to use home energy savings tool

In its first four months, 1,510 people benefited from using the tool. 

By entering a few details, anyone using the tool gets an estimate of their current spend on gas, oil and electricity. They can see an overview of practical measures they can take to make their homes warmer, while cutting costs and CO2 emissions.  

The tool also lets people see which energy saving measures are possible for different budgets, from draught proofing doors to installing solar panels. People can then see the different savings each of these upgrades would deliver.  

Energy Saving Trust worked in close collaboration with our NI Energy Advice and IT teams to develop a tailored solution for all Northern Ireland homes. This solution provided unique and personalised advice on how best to make improvements with a view to using less energy and making carbon and cost savings.   The online tool has been a great success and we’re very pleased with uptake of this innovative tool – almost 2,000 householders have used it since its launch last year. Elma Newberry Northern Ireland Housing Executive’s Regional Services’ Director of Strategic Housing

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Last updated: 11 September 2024