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Local authorities

Energy Saving Trust supports local authorities through a variety of programmes aimed at decarbonising transport and improving air quality in the UK.

In England, we advise local authorities on charging infrastructure, electric vehicle accessibility and sustainable travel plans.

In Scotland, we provide consultancy to local authorities to future proof plans for low carbon travel and charging infrastructure.

Local government support programme

Resources for local authorities to improve local air quality and increase adoption of low emission vehicles.

Resources for local authorities on electric vehicle chargepoints

We have resources to help local authority officers deliver public charging infrastructure, including webinars and best practice guidance.

Local electric vehicle infrastructure fund

The Local Electric Vehicle Infrastructure (LEVI) scheme aims to further support the roll-out of electric vehicle charging infrastructure across England.

On-street residential chargepoint scheme

The on-street Residential Chargepoint Scheme provides funding to install chargepoints for electric vehicles.

Electric vehicle accessibility for disabled drivers and passengers (local authority information)

It’s important that we make sure the transition to electric vehicles (EVs) is accessible for disabled drivers and passengers.  

Making EV chargepoints accessible

Join our online sessions for local authorities exploring the transition to electric vehicles (EVs) and accessible chargepoints.

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Last updated: 17 July 2024