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Local authorities

Resources for local authorities on electric vehicle chargepoints

With the UK Government planning to end the sale of new petrol and diesel cars and vans by 2035, and the increasing need to take action on climate change and air pollution, local authorities are looking to establish or expand their electric vehicle (EV) charging point provision.

Our resources help local authority officers deliver effective EV charging infrastructure, including webinars, case studies and best practice guidance.

You can also sign up to our Authority Alert newsletter for monthly updates.

Authority Alert sign-up

Free consultancy and funding

We offer one-to-one consultancy through the Local Government Support Programme specifically for Local Authorities. 

For information on specific schemes and funding, see the UK-wide On-Street Residential Chargepoint Scheme or our England specific Local Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Scheme.


Interested in what other councils are doing? Our webinars help local authority officers learn and share expertise for all things to do with low emission transport.

You can view all our previous webinars below.

Local authority EV forums

In partnership with the Office for Zero Emission Vehicles (OZEV) we host local authority EV forums for local authority officers in England. You can register for the next forum by emailing us.

Register your interest


The Scotland Transport team at Energy Saving Trust also host two national local authority EV forums each year. You can register your interest by emailing us at

LEVI Support Body roadshows

The Local Electric Vehicle Infrastructure (LEVI) support body roadshow aims to engage, educate and equip those involved in the planning and deployment of Electric Vehicle infrastructure.

Case studies

Browse our case studies for ideas on how other local authorities are installing charging points.

Last updated: 17 July 2024